How to update the back-end version manually

Abort the currently running process is terminal (Ctrl + C)

docker-compose stop docker-compose rm -f docker system prune -a

Run curl again (look for up-to-date link here: https://github.com/jdi-testing/jdi-qasp-ml)

What is the Prediction Accuracy?

The Prediction Accuracy is displayed in the tooltip of each locator on the page.

The indicator of Prediction Accuracy shows the algorithm recognition confidence of an element. For example, if you see that the label “button” was recognized with 50%, then you should check this element and its label.

How to update the version of the plugin?

To update version

  1. Run in the terminal

npm run patch

or manually change version in the following files:

  • package.json

  • package-lock.json

  • manifest.json

2. Commit and push changes.

When your request has been merged, github actions will create a draft of the release with the current package.json version tag.


develop - base develop branch

issue_<YOUR_ISSUE_NUMBER> - feature and fix branch, started from master and merged into master when feature is ready 

release_<RELEASE_NUMBER> - release branch, start from master

hotfix_<ISSUE_NUMBER> - fix for production version of application, start from master branch and merged into it master
bugfix_<ISSUE_NUMBER> - fix for release, start from release branch and merged into it release, master
When the master branch is updated, all branches that are open at that moment (feature, fix) need to be updated.
Builds are sent to QA only after they have been merged into the master branch and the application version has been incremented.

release strategy.png
draft of the branching strategy scheme



The delivery pack is built automatically on commit in master.

Version compatibility list

Plugin version

Backend version

Plugin version

Backend version

Release 3.16 and higher


Release 3.15 and higher


Release 3.14.22 and higher


Release 3.12.506 and higher


Release 3.12.472


Release 3.10.437


Release 3.5


Release 3.4


Release 3.3.285


Release 3.2.253


Release 3.2.252
