For Designers

If you need help or have any questions, then write to Semyon Kuznetsov

In Figma we use team folder in EPAM-team account. You should have account with EPAM-license for that. Link to the project - JDN or you can find by search in the EPAM folder.

Actual UI/UX Design (link)

Снимок экрана 2024-07-23 в 14.05.57.png

On the left side you can see our versions, version up to 4 was used with the old Ant set.

On the right side I use system when you have each section for task where name of section = number of task. At the very top, I keep the basic screens for each step so that they can be used as the basis for the design of each new feature.

And here you can find basic user flow - link.

Снимок экрана 2024-07-23 в 14.20.14.png

UI-Kit (link)

We use Ant Design with custom additional elements for our needs. You can find all information here. We don't have a license, but we have the full file in the JDN folder.

And for icons we use Phosphor Icons, it’s free library. Link

We have the file and we use it by connecting the library to the UI kit file.

Discovery and Diagrams


You can request contacts from Alexey Girin or find them in Skype chat

Links to get started

  1. — README, instructions for installing the plugin

  2. Our board

  3. Figma Project — Here are all the design and workshop files (If there are problems with access, write to Semyon Kuznetsov or Alexey Girin)

Pages that can be used to test the plugin

  • — main JDI test page (you need to log in for correct work: Login - Roman, Password - Jdi1234)

  • — one of the sites, which is built on Material UI

  • — development environment in which most developers / auto-tests work

Outdated files

  • — research (more basic)

  • — research file with notes after interviews and tests

  • — user list for research






Other links to Material UI sites





List of HTML-attributes


About JDI

— the article and video about EPAM and JDI

— JDI Documentation — presentation about JDI




About locators in general



Selenium locators




About Page Objects

- Page Object Model

- Page Object

- Page Object Model

- Page Object Model

- Page Object Model

- Page Object Model

- Page Object Model - a book about Java, Page Object and others. Also on the site there is about other programming languages;