[February 2024] UAT







Create UAT Plan Page

Detail your UAT plan, this includes: scope of the testing, primary business objectives, key features to be tested, and timelines.

  1. Users provide their incident reports;

  2. Working Group is working on analyzing and gathering information of the incident

    1. Gather as much info as it’s possible, including screenshots, video recordings

  3. Create the Jira ticket on the board

    1. Choose the type: enhancements or bug. Follow the structure.

    2. Enrich the ticket with the information provided in the incident report

    3. Put the “PizzaFeedback” label on it


Establish Incident Log Page

Document all errors identified during the testing process. Once the bugs are fixed, the tester should re-test and update this log.


Gather Use Case Scenarios

Gather the Use Cases which were reproduced within JDN

Conduct the feedback session

Solicit Feedback Page

Gather feedback from the testers on the whole UAT process and what can be improved in future cycles.


  1. The working group consists of

    1. Alexey Girin - Product Owner

    2. Nikita Kalachev - Key QA

    3. Valeriia Savinova - BA

    4. Anna Iustus - Key Developer

  2. We decided to keep the free format of incident reporting to keep users engaging

  3. The group chat was created in Teams “[UAT] JDN end-users feedback