Backlog estimation

For estimations, we are using Affinity Estimation: Estimation – Agile Estimation – Agile

There are 3 boards:

  1. Frontend development estimation:

  2. Backend development estimation:
    Tasks that are ready for development and High/Critical bugs should be estimated. Tech Tasks also can be estimated to be included in the next release.

  3. QA estimation:
    Tasks that are ready for development and High/Critical bugs should be estimated.

  4. Design estimation:
    Tasks with a “Design needed” label should be estimated.

  5. ML estimation:

Actual tasks for the next release will be stored in the sections “To do”, “In progress”, “QA” on the JDN.AI Board

To see our prioritization matrix, go here.

Estimations of the task are shown on the task’s card in the section “Projects”:


If a task has no fields to estimate, please add it to the board by coping and pasting a link to it.


  1. Only 1 Large story for Development could be included in the Release.

  2. We prioritize stories for design and stories to implement separately.