[out] US-6-10 Sort locators in the Locator list



As a user
I want to see elements, that are related to the sorting parameter elements
So that I can interact with it


Acceptance criteria

UC 6-10-1 Sort elements by option (type)

GIVEN I am a user 

AND I want to find a needed locator

WHEN I choose the option “Locator type”

THEN The list of locators should be sorted on locator’s type ascending

UC 6-10-2 Sort elements by option (name)

GIVEN I am a user 

AND I want to find a needed locator

WHEN I choose the filter on “Locator name”

THEN The list of locators should be sorted on locator’s name ascending

UC 6-10-3 Sort elements by option (DOM attributes)

GIVEN I am a user 

AND I want to find a needed locator

WHEN I choose the filter on “DOM tree”

THEN The list of locators should be shown as in the original DOM tree

Related artefacts


