17012023 JDN functionality

To discuss:




LMC - select an element (active) + highlight in the locators' list

RMC - open the element’s menu (context menu) + select an element (active)

CTRL+LMC - group selection


Locators list
LMC - select a locator (active element on the page) + highlight it on the page

Double LMC - edit locator (modal window)
CTRL + LMC - group selection



Locator list

RMC - open the context menu + select an element as active. In the case of selecting a group—action should be applied for each locator in the group. (https://github.com/jdi-testing/jdn-ai/issues/917 )

LMC on active locator (text area) - inline editing (editing in the locators' list) (ex: file renaming in the Windows Explorer) ( )

LMC + SHIFT+ LMC - all elements between these locators should be selected (stick to the last selected) ( )



Double LMC - a locator will be included in the generation list ( )

LMC + SHIFT + LMC - all elements that are covered by these elements will be selected (крайняя координата) ( )


Edit in the locators' list:
public TextField textfieldDiv;

Fields, that are available to be edited:

  • //*[@id='mc_embed_signup_scroll']//div[3]

  • textfieldDiv