Design Components v.1

Main actions

Based on User Flow:

  1. Identify;

  2. Select locators;

  3. Download.

Locators List

There are 4 sections in the locator list:

  1. Generated

  2. Waiting for generation;

  3. Currently invisible on the page;

  4. Deleted locators.

State diagram for sections

Main menu

There are some actions in the menu:

  • Download - available if a selected element in section “Generated”;

  • “Play”/“Pause” - available if a selected element in the section “Waiting for generation”;

  • “Delete” - available if a selected element in the section “Waiting for generation” or “Generated”;

  • “Restore” - available if a selected element in the section “Deleted locators”.

Actions with elements from the locators list

Options are available from the locators list:

  • Edit;

  • Settings;

  • Delete;

  • Stop generation - for locators, that are in section “Waiting for generation“;

  • Rerun - if locator in section “Waiting for generation“ has been stopped;

  • Restore - for section “Deleted locators“

If an element in section “Wairing for generation”:

  • Stop generation - It will stop generation of the element;

  • Rerun.


  • Name

  • Block type: full list here

  • Locator: user can enter the xPath of a locator.

After confirmation generation of a locator starts again.


The settings window displays the state of xPath settings to the page.

After confirmation generation of a locator starts again.


Locator moves to section “Deleted locators”.



Prediction accuracy

Only objects that are above this filter are displayed in the locator list and highlighted on a web page. Accuracy depends on the recognition accuracy of the system algorithm.

xPath settings

  • Allow indexes at the beginning;

  • Allow indexes at the middle;

  • Allow indexes at the end;

  • Limit generation time of one locator.

Interaction with an element from web page

There are some states of element on page:

  • Orange - element was recognized by algorithm;

  • Blue - user has selected element from locator menu (filled in the checkbox)

  • Black - for “Deleted” section


Left Button Mouse Click - highlight selected object in locators list;

Right Button Mouse Click - this action opens a window with settings. It includes:

  • Select locator - element will be highlighted blue;

  • Actions with elements”;

  • Bring to Front/Bring to Background - change the layout.


Mouse Hover - a tooltip will be opened. This tooltip contains Name, Type, Locator, Prediction accuracy.