Bugs management

All bugs should be marked with a bug label and prioritized.

There are 4 main statuses:

  • Critical - Doomsday. Main functions are blocked, no workaround available, further testing is impossible or pointless

  • High - Behavior does not meet the requirements, major design flaws. Main functions are not blocked or a workaround exist

  • Medium - Floating defects, defects specific for uncommon data, etc. Main functions are not blocked

  • Low - Trivial issues, typos, minor design flaws, etc. Application is working correctly, nothing is blocked

The example: https://github.com/jdi-testing/jdn-ai/issues/688

Bugs with Critical and High statuses should be placed in TO DO and IN PROGRESS sections. Bugs, that are less important, should be moved to the backlog.


The template of a bug is accessible through issues list by clicking on new issues (the following window should be opened):