US-11-2 Interaction with an element from locators list (Locator's action menu)



As a user
I want to manage an element in a locator list
So that I will have a quick access to actions with the element


Highlight is connected

Acceptance criteria

UC 11-2-1 User can manage element in the locators' list

GIVEN I am a user 

AND Locators' list is opened

WHEN I click on the icon “Settings” of the element

THEN Locator’s menu will be displayed

Related artefacts

Actions with elements from the locators list

Options are available from the locators list:

  • Edit;

  • Settings;

  • Stop generation - for locators, that are in section “Waiting for generation“;

  • Rerun - if locator in section “Waiting for generation“ has been stopped;


If an element in section “Wairing for generation”:

  • Stop generation - It will stop generation of the element;

  • Rerun.
