US-6-1 See the generated elements



As a user
I want to see elements that are already generated
So that can use the code of elements without waiting


User can see only elements that are up to perception rate

User can limit time on generation a locator

When user applies settings manually, the locator moves to the section “Generated”

Section “Deleted locators”

Acceptance criteria

UC 6-1-1 User can see sections

GIVEN I am a user 

AND The plugin was started

WHEN Identification is over

THEN I expect to see locators, that are generated in section “Generated”

AND I expect to see locators, that are in generation in the section “Waiting for generation”

UC 6-1-2 Sticky locator’s groups

GIVEN I am a user 

AND The plugin was started

AND There are enough locators for scrolling in the list

WHEN I scroll to the end of a group “Generated”

THEN I expect to see locators in the next group (not empty section) “Waiting for generation”

AND the section “Generated” will be closed

Related artefacts

Locators List

There are 3 sections in the locator list:

  1. Generated

  2. Waiting for generation;

  3. Deleted locators.


There are 3 statuses of locator:

  • Generated

  • Waiting for generation

  • Deleted