US-6-8 Manage invisible locators



As a user
I want to control invisible elements of the web object
So that I can get the code of it


Section “Currently invisible on the page”

E-3 Managing perception of web objects

E-4 Managing objects on the page

E-5 Generating code of Web Object

E-7 Giving locators understandable names
E-11 Interaction with an element from the elements' menu

Acceptance criteria

UC 6-8-1 Scroll page down
UC 6-8-2 Scroll the inner group
UC 6-8-3 Hidden elements on the page

GIVEN I am a user 

AND There are some hidden (invisible) elements on the page

WHEN I start the identification of Page Object
THEN These elements will be marked as invisible.

  1. Popups;

  2. Tooltips;

  3. Menu:
    - Select;
    - Accordeon;
    - Slider;

  4. Modal window.

Related artefacts

Invisible locator’s icon


The inner group should be recognised as visible elements: