US-9-5 Onboarding for a new user

in progress

As a new user
I want to have onboarding guide
So that I can explore new system quickly

Acceptance criteria

UC-9-5-1 Start the onboarding

  1. New user opens JDN first time

  2. The system displays pop up with text Would you like to start an onboarding and buttons: No, Start

  3. If user clicks No, the inboarding is skipped

  4. If user clicks Start, the system will start the onboarding

  5. If the user is able to start the Onboarding from any system part, but the Onboarding will be started from the beginning

UC-9-5-2 Page object onboarding

  1. There are 4 steps:

    1. Begin using JDN

    2. Basic settings

    3. General settings

    4. Start creating

  2. Each step is in pop-up which can be closed by the user

  3. User can get to the previous step (in steps 2-4)

UC-9-5-3 Custom locator onboarding

  1. There are 4 steps:

    1. Create Custom locator

    2. Context menu

    3. Add the locator to the Page Object

    4. Finish creating the Page Object

  2. Each step is in pop-up which can be closed by the user

  3. User can get to the previous step (in steps 2-4)

UC-9-5-4 JDN extra options onboarding

  1. There are 6 steps:

    1. Download

    2. Context Menu

    3. Onboarding tutorial

    4. ReadMe

    5. Report a problem

    6. Connection to the server

  2. Each step is in pop-up which can be closed by the user

  3. User can get to the previous step (in steps 2-6)
