US-6-7 Pause the generation of elements



As a user
I want to pause the generation
So that I can adapt the process for myself


Section “Waiting for generation“

Acceptance criteria

UC 6-7-1 Pause the element’s generation

GIVEN I am a user 

AND Section “Waiting for generation” is opened

AND I fill in the checkbox of locator

WHEN I can click on “Pause“ button

THEN Generation of the element will be stopped

AND I expect to see a new icon

UC 6-7-2 Rerun the element’s generation

GIVEN I open the section

AND I fill in checkbox of element

AND this element is paused

WHEN I click on “Run”

THEN I expect to see a new icon

AND Generation of element will be continued

Related artefacts

Main menu

There are some actions in the menu:

  • Download - available if a selected element in section “Generated”;

  • “Play”/“Pause” - available if a selected element in the section “Waiting for generation”;

  • “Delete” - available if a selected element in the section “Waiting for generation” or “Generated”;

  • “Restore” - available if a selected element in the section “Deleted locators”.


Users can manage generation from:

  • Locator list header

  • highlight element context menu

  • list item context menu

Pause button - show if started or/and pending items are selected, pause them, if something else is selected too - ignore it

Re-run button - show if paused items are selected, re-run them, if something else is selected too - ignore it