US-4-6 Moving highlited objects to back/to front



As a user
I want to interact with elements that are under another element
So that I need to move the highlight to back/to front


Acceptance criteria

UC 4-6-1 User click on “Bring to back”

GIVEN I am a user 

AND there are some elements that cover each other

AND I clicked Right Button on element

AND element’s menu appears

WHEN I click on “Bring to backgroung”

THEN The element won’t be available to click from the page (because it will be covered by another element)

UC 4-6-2 User click on “Bring to front”

GIVEN I am a user 

AND there are some elements that cover each other partially

AND I clicked Right Button on the element

AND element’s menu appears

WHEN I click on “Bring to front”

THEN The element will be available to click from the page

Related artefacts

