[out] US-2-2 xPath setting for generation



As a user
I want to use t xPath rules
So that allows spending less time on refactoring after generation


After applying xPath settings all locators will be regenerated

Acceptance criteria

UC 2-2-1 User can edit settings on the start page

GIVEN I am a user 

AND The plugin was started

WHEN I open settings from the locators' menu and click on “Settings

THEN I expect to see a window with xPath settings

AND Default or last saved settings are displayed

Default settings:

  1. Allow indexes at the beginning - (unchecked by default)

  2. Allow indexes at the middle - (unchecked by default)

  3. Allow indexes at the end - (checked by default)

  4. Limit generation time to [time picker here] - (default values for time picker - 10 sec, checked by default)

Related artefacts

xPath settings
  • Allow indexes at the beginning;

  • Allow indexes at the middle;

  • Allow indexes at the end;

  • Limit the generation time of one locator.


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